...kinda speaks for itself right? lets face it, siblings can be a nightmare. take last week for example. it was the night after it had started snowing again, so even though my mom and brother had shoveled that morning, there was already and nice little layer of powder on the ground. i told mom that me and brandi would shovel ('cause that's the wonderful little daughter that i am). me and my sister were home alone and after we finished eating, we began piling on the layers for the task ahead. devil-child decides that she doesn't want to wear boots, but instead her big clunky high- heeled ... i don't even know what to call them. so i told her that she needed to wear actual boots, and of course she decided that she didn't want to. i didn't feel like arguing, so i just said fine, i'll shovel by myself. i walked out of the house shutting the door behind me. after getting about 1/8 done with the driveway, i hear the door slam and brandi say, "um, lissa? we're locked out." now if you haven't guessed, it's fuggin freazing outside! we had to finish the driveway then waddle like retarded penguins over to my neighbors house where we phoned my mom. thank heaven they're not creepy people.... well...
inspiration hills
i had a lot of fun so far this weekend. i got back to sioux falls about... 4:52 hours ago. like i said, i am so tired. we left for the retreat at about 6:45 friday night and got there about 7:50. it's a pretty awesome place, completely beautiful in the winter. i wish i had a camera. if you didn't know this, i was asked to bring my guitar and of course that ment playing infront of my confermation-mates. when my youth director called me up, everyone seemed surprised, like "what the hell is she doing?" except not quite that, it was a church group after all. this whole weekend basically consisted of talking, playing guitar, listeing to a drama game that involved a lot of screaming, singing, praying and playing with fire. all in all, it was pretty great.
also, if anyone was wondering about the title, it has a point. we got to inspiration hills by school bus, and there was frost on the window, but it had started to melt in patches. i caught a glimpse of the window across from me in a streetlight and i swear i saw david bowie (more ziggy stardust) in the window. here's kinda what it looked like:

1 comment:
Lol I lurvve David Bowie lol!
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