meet jack.
he is amazing.
he said what i think in my head so much better then i could ever dream. i've only met one... possibly two people that could ever use words like he does, and all i can say is that these are the people that you can't let go of.
jack says:
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”

i found this insanely funny. i "LOL"ed in speech and people starred.
here's what it says:
the Saddest thing I can Think of.everyone at school has a little baby turtle except for one boy.
the kids all have a turtle party where they all bring their turtles.
but if you don't have a little turtle you can't come.
no one will let him borrow a turtle.
he does not get to go to the party.
he has to stay home. he sits in his
room and tries to draw a picture
but his tears ruin everything
he tries to draw.that's the saddest thing this man at [www.toothpastefordinner.com] could come up with.
check it out.
navigating around the school hallways and seeing the people walk by, i look into their faces. i notice their hair color, whether they wear glasses, what color eyes they have, who they walk with... its corny, but i try to look past all of that, too. once and awhile its nice for someone as shy as me to pass another person in the hall, a complete stranger no less, who dares to make eye contact and sends my heart into flutters. i can't help thinking, "that person saw me." but its not really the act of "seeing" itself, its more the act of "searching," that means most to me. i feel lost. i feel disposable; a picture frame that gets a scratch across the glass and is thrown away, just to be replaced. i don't really have a problem with that, i don't feel like i need to be pitied or ... that i need to seek attention. its the replacement that bothers me. i want to offer something that no one else can, i just haven't found that thing yet. this is just the ramblings of a high school no one who likes to watch rather then do. i like to think of myself as rather quiet, yet excitable and fun to be around. but there's always that underlying feeling of unease and awkwardness, that i've only been able to overcome a few times in my life. i don't want to change who i am. i don't want others to pretend to see in me what they don't. i want people to see the bad side of me, and spend the time searching for the good. i look for the best in others, and often times face the flaws in myself. welcome to my public diary...